miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

People and internet.

Nowadays, using new technologies is not strange. You can find people using it everywhere and at any time. Who most use new technologies, like mobiles, cameras or laptops, is young people, but it is true that there are more and more people who use them. And it is because new technologies are used not just for leisure, like social networks or for recording videos, but even for business and studies too.
On the one hand, internet is very useful, but on the other hand it can be very addictive and more even for young people, who spend their time on Facebook stalking, Twitter and other social networks. To my mind it distracts teenagers from engaging in the real world, and can make them distract from their studies or their works and even from living their own life. Therefore, if you are young and you are reading this, do not forget that you have a live outside your mobile phone and that doing real things will be more useful for you and for your future.

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